34250 Ford Road
Westland, MI 48185

(734) 729-7000


- Membership Options & Special Offers -

No Contracts On ANY Memberships

The Forum Basic Membership: 
$29 Per Month
Basic membership allows you access to our entire facility including:

◾Both strength training rooms,
◾Cardio room,
◾Indoor track,
◾Swimming pool,
◾Hot tub,
◾Steam rooms and Saunas

The Forum Value Pack:
$39 Per Month
You will get everything in the Basic Membership along with:

•Unlimited Tanning
•Free Group Fitness Classes ($39/mo. Value))
•Personal Exercise Program
•Buddy Privileges (Your guest can enjoy all the privileges of our Basic members)

The Forum Group Fitness Program: 
$39 Per Month
This membership allows you unlimited Group Fitness Classes only.
Month to month option and over 130 classes a month from which to choose!

Also Available:

 Individual Month Basic Membership: $40 per month
Individual Classes: $8 per class
Day Pass: $10

* $99 Enrollment fee has been waived this month.
$29.00 Maintenance Fee (Billed June 1st next year)

Join Now


The BEST way to see if we're a good fit for you is to come try us out!

Drop in your info below and we'll reserve a FREE V.I.P. Pass for you to enjoy a day at The Forum.

We'll set you up for a great workout and answer all your questions about membership.

Do it NOW, while it's fresh in your mind!

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